sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008
another extra-work (How to pass a driving test)
extra work
- 2 eggs
- 1l milk
- 150 flour
- a little salt or suger (depending on his taste)
First, put 150g of fluor in a bowl. In the middle of the flour put both eggs and mix it.
Next, while you mix the lour you pour slowly the milk and mix it.
Then, you can put salt or sugar. It depends If you like it saltien or sweeter.
You must let the dough rest for 30 minutes.
Finally, so that the mass doesn't stick in the frying pan it is better to put butter in it.
If you want to have the happy children you should in the "crepe"you put nutella not nocilla. It's an advice. Good luckbaby!
viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2008
Computer have made the world a better place?
It have a lot of advantatges. For exemple, in the post If you want a travel you can't see the oferts in your pc. If you want look your "compte corrent" you can look it for your pc. All teachers put his homework in the internet.
But it also have desadvantatges. Because children can play with violence game and it's bad. And also because in the internet you can file a lot of "impostors". For all parents the computer's bad bacause we need it and they think that it's because all time we play or talk about our friends.
But, in general, the computers is good thing because it have a lot of programes that we need for doing the work for exemple, power point, word, office...
other extra work
Hi people this is my secnd oral presentation of this year. Today I'll talk about my favourite band. I don't have only one but the one that I like the most is Mago de Öz.
The first name of this group of rock was Transilvania but in the end they changed the name for Mago de Öz.
The group has made a lot of cd's since 1994 but they did the first demo in 1989.
Their most famous cd's are: Finisterra (2000) Folktergeist(2002) and Gaia(2003) and the most famous song is "Fiesta pagana".
Their last cd is "La ciudad de los árboles perdidos".
I like this group because of the beginning of his songs and his violins I knew this band because of my brother. In the car he was always listening to their songs and in the ens I listened to the songs too and now I like them.
Now you can see the video of fiesta pagana and la ciudad de los arboles perdidos.
"Mercy" Extra work
She's fallen in love with a boy but she thinks that she was under his spell. She says that she needs a man to take her hand.
summaries of the film
Samantha had 8 years old when his father died. Years before his father married with a woman who had 2 daughters. And when his father died his "mother" and his "sisters" were very bad with her.
Always they were using she a servant and she could never do anything.
The mother had remained with everything included a restaurant that the father had and where Samantha works every day.
Samantha falls in love with a boy, the most popular boy in the hight school And his sisters get angry very much. When his mother says to him that she doesn't have seat in the university she cries very much and in this moment she finds the testament of his father.
After this, she calls de police and she counts the happened. She remains with the restaurant and
sells the car to pay the university. The boy falls in love with him and they go to the university together.
The mother has to do works for the community but in the Samanthas's restaurant.
translation (my oral presentation)
Hello everybody! How are you?
Well, before begin our oral presentation sara will give you some piece of paper where you can see the words that we considerated that maybe can’t understand.
So got o begin we are Sara and Maria Àngels as all of you know and we going to talk about the love, specifically the stage of the love.
What the mining of love?
The love is considerated as a group of behaivors and attitudes disinterested to another person, the most of time this person is the opposite sex.
The love does to make we happy, desire, special but at the same time when the things becomes complicated also we feel sad, stupid, unlucky, etc. So, for this reason in the love we can distinguish different stage, now we’ll introduce the four more generals; the infatuation, the sentimental crisis, the unfaithfulness and the breaking-off. However, it doesn’t mean that in all the relation-ship, this problem happens.
Then we find the sentimental crisis. Crisis is one moment on the sentimental live or relatioin-ship when the two persons of the relation don’t understand. Some of the reasons because the crisis becomes are the next:
- You haven’t got the feeling of guilt both resentments and you never admit when your fault is.
- The exhaustion that is when one of the member have to endure the problems of the other day on day and there are a moment that the endure person can’t more and blow a fuse.
- the interest conflicts
- the social, educational, and culturist difference
- For the incompatibly
- And for the desinfatuation cause for the weakening of the attraction, short sexual interest, etc.

Is humour necessary to survive?
miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008
My first email
Hi, I’m M.Ángels.
This year you are my new english teacher and for the moment I don’t know anything about you, except that you are my teacher and the teacher for the research project of my friend Marina.
I live in Vilafant but I have a house in Castelló. I’ve ever studied in the school of Castelló.
This summer I’ve been working in the Bonpreu of St Pere Pescador and I must say that it was a great experience – my first summer job.
I only worked the mornings (9.00 to 16.00) and I spent al the afternoons with my lovely boyfriend, Martí, and my friends.
Martí was working in the “casal” of l’Armentera, he loves little children.
So,…what else? This year I will have to work hard because 2n BTX it’s difficult. Next year I would like to study ADE in Girona.
See you tomorrow, BYE BYE ***